I Pledge Allegiance To the Internet…

In an era where the internet has become an integral part of our lives, it’s worth contemplating the idea of the internet evolving into the next nation state. The internet has revolutionized communication, commerce, and various other aspects of our lives. 


Will the virtual realm overthrow the Nation State?


Will we soon all pledge allegiance to the internet?  




The internet weakens the State.  The state cannot weaken the internet.  Thus, the internet may be a more powerful universal force than the state.  The internet may be more darwinistically fit.


  1. The internet weakens state power by challenging hierarchical structures and transcending geographical boundaries, rendering state borders irrelevant in the digital realm.


  1. The internet undermines the state’s monopoly on information and control over public discourse by facilitating the rapid dissemination of information and fostering transparency and connectivity.


  1. The internet serves as a catalyst for social and political change, empowering marginalized voices and enabling collective action through online platforms and virtual gathering spaces.


  1. The internet’s resilience and adaptability make it difficult for states to control or censor, as it evolves to circumvent attempts at regulation through encryption, decentralized protocols, and technological advancements.


  1. The internet generates economic opportunities beyond traditional state-regulated economies, fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and remote work while challenging the state’s control over economic structures.


The decentralization of information brought about by advancements in technology, such as AI, the internet, and Bitcoin, has the potential to erode the power traditionally held by nation states.




The decentralization of information driven by AI, the internet, and Bitcoin presents a formidable challenge to the power dynamics of nation states. As the internet continues to expand its reach and influence, it encircles and permeates nation states, rendering them unable to control or prevent its use. The democratization of knowledge and the empowerment of individuals through these technologies redefine the relationship between citizens and states. As the world navigates this shifting landscape, the balance of power between nation states and the internet will continue to evolve, shaping the future of governance and the way we access and share information.  


Thus, not only is the internet growing in power but while it is doing so it is reducing the power of the nation state.  The internet can influence the nation state but the nation state has little to no influence over the internet.  Which one is the more powerful force from the perspective of the universe and physics?   Which one will be the more powerful force today and tomorrow?  




Man was connected by tribes & bloodline, by religion and race.  He was connected by proximity and the nation.  He is now connected by the internet.  


The advent of the internet has revolutionized the way individuals connect and interact with one another. In the past, human connections were primarily formed through tribal affiliations, familial bloodlines, religious beliefs, and shared racial backgrounds. Proximity to one another and national boundaries also played a crucial role in defining these connections.

However, with the emergence and widespread adoption of the internet, a new form of connectivity has emerged. The internet transcends the limitations of physical proximity and traditional boundaries, enabling individuals from different corners of the globe to connect and communicate instantaneously. It has effectively bridged the gaps that once separated people based on geography, nationality, and even cultural differences.

As the internet continues to evolve and its reach expands, it has the potential to become the dominant force that connects individuals, surpassing the influence of the nation state. Unlike the nation state, which is bound by physical borders and governed by specific rules and authorities, the internet is a global network that operates on its own protocol. It enables individuals to form connections, share information, and engage in various activities without the limitations imposed by geographic boundaries or national jurisdictions.



The internet revolutionizes our global connections, communication, and business interactions. Its significance extends beyond mere connectivity; it holds the potential to serve as a foundational infrastructure for the establishment and operation of nation states. By harnessing its capabilities, the internet can fulfill various responsibilities traditionally shouldered by governments, including providing essential infrastructure for communication, facilitating commerce, ensuring property rights, offering educational resources, establishing public libraries, and delivering other public utilities and goods. This vast potential positions the internet as an appealing platform for the creation of multiple nation states, empowering individuals and transforming the way we govern and shape our digital existence.




The internet is often considered a realm of freedom, distinguishing itself from certain nations that claim to uphold freedom but may fall short in practice. While some nations assert their commitment to freedom, they can sometimes exhibit tendencies towards control and exploitation of their citizens for personal gain. However, the internet operates under a different paradigm altogether.

Unlike these nations, the internet embraces a foundation of genuine freedom, ensuring the protection of individual liberties and property rights. It serves as a platform where individuals enjoy unprecedented autonomy and agency. Within the vast expanse of the internet, people have the liberty to express their thoughts and ideas, access information and engage in a wide range of activities.

The internet fosters an environment that transcends the constraints and limitations often imposed by physical societies. It goes beyond geographical boundaries, enabling individuals from various backgrounds to connect, collaborate, and share knowledge and experiences. In this digital realm, people are free to explore different perspectives, engage in open discourse, and form communities based on shared interests or beliefs.




The internet offers an alternative to the exploitative practices of nation states. Through taxation, inflation, regulation, and immigration policies, individuals can often experience exploitation within a nation state. In contrast, the decentralized nature of the internet provides opportunities for individuals to access resources and engage in economic activities without these burdens. 


Taxation: Taxation can burden citizens by reducing their disposable income and limiting their ability to meet their financial goals.  The U.S. once had near zero taxes.  Now, it spends 50% of every dollar a citizen earns.  High tax rates can diminish the rewards of hard work, discourage entrepreneurship, and limit economic mobility. It can lead to reduced spending power, making it more challenging for individuals to afford essential goods and services or pursue their desired quality of life. Taxation is wrought with waste, fraud and abuse.  


Regulation: Overbearing regulations can impose significant costs and complexities on individuals, particularly on small businesses and entrepreneurs. Excessive red tape, bureaucratic hurdles, and compliance requirements can stifle innovation and hinder economic growth. This can limit job opportunities, constrain consumer choices, and hinder the overall prosperity of citizens.


Inflation: Inflation erodes the purchasing power of citizens’ income and savings. When the prices of goods and services rise faster than wages, individuals can struggle to maintain their standard of living. Inflation can diminish the value of savings, making it harder to plan for the future, invest in education or retirement, and achieve financial stability. It disproportionately affects those on fixed incomes or with limited resources, leading to a decline in their overall well-being.


Immigration: Borders can limit innovation, the meeting and mating of ideas, the reduction of costs and more.  We are all immigrants on the internet, going from one place to another.  You can find the lowest bidder to work for you.  The highest bidder for your product.  All ideas can meet and mate, which makes ideas stronger and more powerful.


The internet will not have taxation, regulation, inflation or immigration.  This is the reason why the tech sector has grown so quickly in the past several decades.  It’s the sector with the lowest taxation, regulation, inflation and some of the most immigration.  You won’t be taxed.   You will have to pay to play.  You won’t be regulated but there will be protocols that you will have to abide by.  You won’t have inflation as you’ll have a crypto currency like Bitcion which cannot be devalued.  You will have the perfect competition due to immigration.  




The internet has the potential to transcend geographical boundaries and create thousands of unique nation states. These virtual nations can be based on shared interests, ideologies, or goals, rather than the constraints of physical location. People can pledge allegiance to an internet nation that aligns with their values, participating in a global community that promotes collaboration, innovation, and individual growth. By embracing the internet as their nation, individuals can find like-minded individuals, form communities, and contribute to a collective vision.




As we witness the transformative power of the internet in our lives, it becomes evident that it holds the potential to introduce a remarkable model of governance, distinct from the limitations of existing systems. By embracing the internet as a foundation for communication, commerce, and social interaction, we can envision the creation of virtual nation states that cater to our unique interests and aspirations. In this realm, the internet opens up avenues of opportunity, fosters unity through connectivity, and empowers individuals to actively shape their digital existence. The allure of pledging allegiance to the internet beckons us to explore the endless possibilities that this virtual realm offers.


Throughout history, human attempts at establishing and sustaining functional governments have been marred by inherent flaws and limitations. The human nature’s weaknesses, such as greed, power-seeking, and vulnerability to corruption, inevitably find their way into political systems. Furthermore, the lack of genuine competition within the realm of politics often leads to stagnation, a dearth of fresh ideas, and ineffective governance. Over time, these factors erode trust and exacerbate societal challenges, undermining the very foundations of states.


In stark contrast, the internet operates within a distinct paradigm, fueled by open competition and continuous innovation. It is not beholden to the same constraints as traditional governance structures. Rather, it evolves through collaborative efforts and technological advancements. Its decentralized nature and absence of a single governing authority serve as safeguards against concentrated power and corruption. The internet, by design, encourages transparency, diversity, and adaptability.


As existing nation states grapple with internal struggles and inherent limitations, the internet emerges as an enticing alternative for individuals seeking a more reliable and efficient system to pledge their allegiance to. The internet transcends geographical and political boundaries, offering a global platform for connections and the exchange of ideas. It grants individuals access to vast amounts of information, services, and opportunities that surpass the limitations imposed by traditional state boundaries.


Furthermore, the internet thrives on competition and the pursuit of innovation. Technological advancements continuously propel the internet forward, as countless individuals and organizations collaborate and contribute to its evolution. This relentless pursuit of progress, combined with the principles of capitalism and the laws of nature, ensures that the internet remains a dynamic and promising force.


In the near future, as the shortcomings of traditional nation states become increasingly apparent, individuals are likely to gravitate towards pledging their allegiance to the internet. They will be enticed by its potential for efficiency, transparency, and the opportunities it presents for personal growth and empowerment. The internet’s ability to transcend human fallibility, foster global connections, and provide an ever-improving platform will make it an appealing choice for those yearning for a more dependable and equitable system of governance.


The internet weakens the state while getting stronger every day.


The internet may soon provide many of the things a nation state does yet it will only do it better, cheaper and faster.  



Perhaps one day soon, we may all pledge allegiance to the Internet…